Or rather , iron is the chore that I hate less . I'm not a great woman of the house and I'm not ashamed to say it , I'm not a cleaning freak , in fact let's say that I'm part of that group of people that says that the house is more welcoming when it is " lived" . Of course the hygiene of my house is not lacking, especially because it is inhabited only by 3 humans, even as long as 5 cats, a dog perpetually on the couch and 2 others who occasionally make surprise raids , but surely entering my home you will not find never order, you will never see floors that shine , you can not mirror in the windows and above will always find the dust on the furniture ( dusting is the thing I hate most of all do) and lots and lots of laundry to be ironed . You may wonder why I accumulate so much stuff to be ironed if I run this task willingly, quickly said, it is a question of priorities . A woman who works 6 days out of 7 and 10 hours a day, has little time to devote to the house , practically only on Sundays, which in theory would need to rest I use it as a day of cleaning. The priority is obviously given to what is most visible in the house , and then flooring, kitchen cabinets , stove , bedroom etc. ... clothes to be ironed are thus accumulated in a closet and will remain for a long time , so no one sees them ... but sooner or later these garments also come to serve, and then I really have to pull out the iron and devote countless hours to this service.
I had less than 2 , one boiler that I used just for big quantities of heads, and a classic steam iron handy and practical pulled out in emergencies (when I absolutely needed a piece of clothing ) . By 2 irons available in a few weeks are left without .In the boiler I broke the record button for the steam , impossible for me to stretch out and so I set aside and waiting to get it fixed I pulled out one of the emergencies .As I think all of you know , in May of last year a violent earthquake
Photographs Termozeta 73465 Milord 4500
Termozeta 73465 Milord 4500. . devastated the area in which I live , fortunately no structural damage to my house, but among the many objects shattered , even the iron. For several months this small appliance is certainly not been in my thoughts , I've lived away from home and I did not have the need for ironing and when you return , there were many other priorities to deal with, but then my daughter (who has returned home before me) realized that it was necessary to buy one.
_____________________________________I was on a camping guest of my in-laws and I kept in touch daily by phone with my daughter who had returned home . One day I announced that given the need to iron , bought a flat iron at a very affordable price , € 12.90 !I actually am a bit ' puzzled, the price seems too low for it to be a really good product , even my brother in law who is involuntarily listening to the conversation intervenes, saying that surely is a package , a good iron can not cost so little!On my return home I could see that actually it is my concern that those of my brother in law were founded.
How comes you can see from the photos, plus add that it is also very light , which at first I thought an advantage, but then in the end it turned out that ( read it below).The first time I used this iron I acted on impulse, it will not take some of the instruction manual to understand how it works , so I filled the tank with distilled water using the special glass and I put the plug into the outlet, it is then turned on the usual red light indicates that the iron is in use and that you must turn off when the plate reaches the set temperature . The knob that is used to precisely set the temperature is common to all the irons, you start with ryon and nylon ( lower temperature ) up to the maximum usually indicated with cotton and linen.I have my own method , that is, divide the items to be ironed according to the tissue, those that require a higher temperature to let them past , I start with the synthetic and that in any case they need a lower temperature and then gradually turn the knob gradually increasing the temperature as you board, thus arriving to terminate with cottons .So far nothing difficult , the problem occurred to me when I had to let out the steam .This iron is equipped with a knob where you draw the steam , turning in one direction would increase the steam , turning in the opposite direction should decrease , I tossed and turned the knob thousands of times looking for the ultimate steam , yet all ' today have not yet been able to understand in which direction it must rotate to obtain the maximum power , in any position I leave it , the amount of steam that escapes from the holes of the plate is always the same , and moreover, is not constant. Of course, to ensure that this mysterious jet of steam is necessary to press the button located on the top side , but I can assure you that , in any position has put the steam knob , the latter comes out when he pleases , and with the intensity that seems to him.Pretty much most of the laundry does not get the shot of steam necessary to eliminate those unpleasant and unsightly creases that form especially when they stay too long stacked .Considering that this iron has used it before me, my daughter , I assume that she knows how to get the steam to the fullest, instead she knows as well as I , and she, too, has encountered the same problem . Let then the leaflet, must surely be inside the box, but the box is not ... My partner threw it thinking that it would serve more . So I can only make do and wasting almost twice as long to stretch a certain amount of linen, because it is to try to eliminate creases and review step several times the iron on the garment , pressing the steam button to infinity with the hope that you decide to go out, the end result , however, is never satisfactory , certainly given by the fact that the iron as I said at the beginning is very light , and then almost without steam and without the right weight, we can never have the heads impeccable , but despite everything I have continued to use it until very recently, when I replaced it with the one inherited from my mother-in-law .
A button located at the side of the one for the steam that is used to spray the water , I think all of you know that when a turn is pretty durable enough to moisten , wipe the iron and should disappear , but let's say in this case is somewhat useless , I can spray water as I want but the creases remain.Then there is the vertical steam function , practically holding the iron in this position and pressing the steam button , you should be able to eliminate puckers for example over a jacket or on the curtains ... but never mind ! If only the steam to come out on command !Another function to clean the iron .Beside the temperature knob is a small little button that must be pressed to remove any traces of limestone , except that I always use distilled water, and then you should not train, but I pressed it many times and it never happened nothing !Anti -dripFinally something that works properly !Even in a vertical position ( supported at its base ) this iron does not lose a drop of water .
The plate is made of stainless steel , the power is 2000 watts and the tank capacity is 250 ml , it might seem little but I assure you it is not, I can go on a full tank for almost 40 minutes about all this steam that does not come out when it is asked by button , then here is that this serious defect at least saves on water !The cable is long enough to allow luck to be able to slide the iron along the board , although of course you do not have to stay away from the electrical outlet , I have not measured but I would guess that we are about 2 meters (maybe a little bit more ) .
In conclusion, I can certainly recommend the purchase of this iron, because the desire to be ironed ( which I guess is already short ) will pass at all.I confess that most of the clothes I wore them without iron them , and fortunately that the use / non- use of this iron was limited to the winter period , when wearing sweaters mainly that , if well laid out , do not require ironing. But I put in the bed sheets not ironed , as well as on the wrinkled table cloths .Now that I have a new iron I no longer have an excuse to not iron, but as I said at the beginning of this review , I like to iron !
Termozeta 73465 MilorD
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